221. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala1

05920. JMBLUG from Whiting.

US press which for first three days was upside down and giving unbelievable support to the two Toriello principal themes, viz. “bombing” and “invasion”, has begun to report more objectively and factually. World press, including certain very influential British papers, still giving out very damaging and inaccurate lines. Situation not helped by reporting of British Chargé Guat, one of whose telegrams to Foreign Office I saw yesterday quoting Toriello at length and then giving his own independent confirmation of bombing Guat City. He did not indicate your presence at meeting or any part your challenge to Toriello re bombing evidence. I remonstrated with Embassy about this and perhaps something will result.
In view of new Toriello appeal for UN action today,2 consider it would be helpful if you could encourage your diplomatic colleagues report factually about absence bombing and especially fabrication of evidence and other Toriello lies. This of particular importance concerning your Latin American colleagues but also French and British, latter of whom you might remind of our generous and costly (to US) support of British on their recent trouble British Guiana.
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.
  2. On June 19 the Guatemalan Government requested both the UN Security Council and the Inter–American Peace Committee (IAPC), an organ of the Organization of American States, to convene emergency meetings and take necessary measures to stop alleged aggression against Guatemalan territory by Honduras and Nicaragua. See Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. IV, p. 1174 (Document 68). On June 22 Toriello sent a message to the UN Secretary General requesting that the United Nations carry out its resolution urging all members to refrain from aiding rebels in Guatemala. The text was printed in The New York Times, June 23, 1954, p. 2.