218. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency1
4140. 1. International politics are not for us but perhaps the following thoughts from our position close to some of the facts may be helpful. Also issues concern PBSUCCESS.
- A.
- The international explosion touched off by WSBURNT can be of tremendous value in crystallizing Commie/noncommie issue particularly if noncommie elements hold firm.
- B.
As record now stands noncommies are in good shape whether before UN or OAS. WSBURNT has made probable false charges
- (1)
- U.S. pilots shot down in Mexico.
- (2)
- Airlifted MDAP arms used.
- (3)
- Foreign invasion.
- (4)
- Numerous bombings and strafings.
This issue in addition to being false when made is irrelevant since granting Calligeris the weapons his use of them should be debated with him.
- C.
- Despite noncommie strength on above issues there are others which in
our opinion need strengthening or might weaken or even destroy fabric
noncommie position.
- (1)
- Probable aspects of support extraterritorial to WSBURNT. Obviously WSHOOFS and KMFLUSH are the major issues. Sooner or later the Commie attack will begin fixing on known details.
- (2)
- President WSHOOFS appears weak man beset by turbulent political situation in which untrustworthy friends and hungry foes are present. Should he fail to stand firm he is in a position to do serious damage.
- (3)
- KMFLUSH also presents problems. President is involved to eyeballs but we believe for perfectly practical reasons. Being called names is of no moment to him. To be in a position to negotiate benefits from PBPRIME is of great moment to him.
- (4)
- Being aircraft base [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] we think can and will refuse entry investigating group without better supported charges than now exist and will aggressively support all other delaying actions. In return he will however expect what he considers reasonable PBPRIME backing and aid. Failing that he might turn on PBPRIME which would be serious.
2. [1–1/2 lines of source text not declassified] Believe preliminary steps could and should start now on an official basis maintaining fiction of no PBPRIME connection PBSUCCESS. Ambassadorial approaches could be made to Presidents in KMFLUSH and WSHOOFS to discuss UN/OAS issues. At same time KMFLUSH/WSHOOFS Ambassadors PBPRIME could be called for high level interview to discuss same issues.
3. This treatment we believe would be recognized as evidence of backing and what is necessary to obtain joint positions should be discoverable without any need for discussing relations to PBSUCCESS. Joint positions must be achieved both for UN/OAS as well as basis continued support PBSUCCESS.
4. In addition to above essential that for diplomatic battle the hole created by non–participation DTFROGS should be filled. Do not know what can be done with present ODACID team but every effort to gain support would be justified. If considered useful Reelfoot can be sent to Hqs to be available for any action this connection.
5. Finally should fight WSBURNT in UN exclusively and solely on issues now drawn without permitting other problems to be introduced.
[Page 366]- A.
- Preference WSBURNT for UN over OAS jurisdictionally improper and clear proof of own weakness and need for aid outside hemisphere from Soviet.
- B.
- Soviet position direct confirmation of A.
6. Die is cast and events may move fast. Thus feel lining up team essential and real chance to win victory over WSBURNT regardless failure Calligeris. While a failure to stay united with present allies in diplomatic battle can effectively destroy Calligeris victory.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 6, Folder 3. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.↩