201. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]1
[place not declassified], June 17, 1954,
3966. Command msg for Cadick:
- 1.
- You hereby assigned full field command all KUBARK controlled PBSUCCESS assets less GUAT Station.
- 2.
- Your mission is to create maximum impact on enemy govt with forces at your disposal. With objective of persuading army to join friendly cause.
- 3.
- You will be guided by existing directives and/or policies.
- 4.
- You will be directly responsible to LINCOLN for requesting further guidance. LINCOLN will provide command directives as required which must be strictly adhered to in every instance.
- 5.
- You will hereafter direct all air operational support activities through Somerset less fire. Fighter aircraft will be armed for defense only. Air fire support authority must be obtained from LINCOLN regardless of urgency existing.
- 6.
- You will utilize and employ Sherwood broadcast and KUGOWN teams as required.
- 7.
- You will direct tactical intelligence activities keeping LINC informed at all times.
- 8.
- You will submit operational situation report by OPIM cable every 12 hours until further notice.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 6, Folder 1. Secret; Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence, SHERWOOD, and to Stations in [place not declassified], Guatemala City, and [place not declassified].↩