200. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Chief of Station in Guatemala1
[place not declassified], June 17, 1954,
3946. Ref: GUAT 866.2
- 1.
- Keep pressure on as per ref. You have tremendous opportunity solving whole situation if you succeed with [name not declassified].
- 2.
- Emphasize speed essential as Calligeris move imminent and avoidance bloody showdown only possible if [name not declassified] successful immediately.
- 3.
- FYI Will not drop bomb 18 June but will do all possible have three fighters buzz capital. At least one fighter will be there 18 June and three noon 19 June.
- 4.
- Tell [name not declassified] Consejo too conscientiously in favor bloodless take over to risk misplaced bomb now. Strength if necessary will not be withheld. Point out that fighters plus evidence which he must have heard of day and night drops covering all parts country should be sufficient to convince him without taking chance unnecessary deaths and damage at this time.
- 5.
- Also PBPRIME Pres in 16 June press statement has evidenced his concern WSBURNT backing SecState (DIR 04858 (OUT 53908)3 so PBPRIME conviction can hardly be in doubt.
- 6.
- Essential you keep us informed as fully and currently possible as move may occur momentarily and picture your end vital our decision.
- 7.
- Bear down and good luck.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 6, Folder 1. Secret; Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.↩
- See Document 199.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 188.↩