194. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]1
[place not declassified], June 17, 1954,
3953. Ref: [telegram indicator not declassified] 265.2 For Page.
- 1.
- Regret PAA stoppage and problems your return WSBURNT.
- 2.
- Speed with which events moving plus increased vigilance, tensions and general unrest now such that your return inadvisable.
- 3.
- Appreciate your disappointment which we share in losing opportunity close in for kill but unavoidable bad break.
- 4.
- If you can get documented for DTFROGS, proceed there soonest to stay through 19 June when SWALLOW expected. Try arrange Wellbank solidly placed as local consejo rep. With high DTFROGS rep possibly Jurant. Wellbank met SWALLOW 14 June but believe you can help consolidate his position.
- 5.
- Advise if can make arrangements and ETA. LINC will notify [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]. If you unable go DTFROGS return LINC.