168. Dispatch From the CIA Chief of Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida1
Guatemala City, June 2, 1954.
- General—K-Program
- Specific—JMBLUG
- 1.
- This is to advise you that Page paid JMBLUG a personal call on the evening of 1 June 1954. The meeting took place in JMBLUG’s private residence.
- 2.
- In view of certain anticipated ramifications of the SWALLOW operation, it was deemed necessary to apprise JMBLUG of what had transpired and what we are trying to accomplish. Page gave JMBLUG a general briefing on the scope and purpose of K-Program and explained that he is operating independently of the Station so as to preclude any conceivable compromise to our diplomatic representation should the Guatemalan authorities uncover his true status.
- 3.
- JMBLUG fully approved of our endeavor to enlist the support of SWALLOW in the defection of members of the Army High Command and promised to continue backstopping to the extent of vouching for his bona fides. Page advised JMBLUG that Whiting had decided against formally introducing Page to him to so as to rule out any possibility of embarrassment should there be an unpleasantness.
- 4.
- Page disavowed detailed knowledge of the progress of PBSUCCESS and of the nature of Calligeris’ operations in Guatemala, stressing the limited and strictly compartmentalized nature of the program in which he is engaged.
- 5.
- It should be pointed out that the call on JMBLUG was a move decided upon by Page acting on his own responsibility. The Station introduced Page and crowded the necessary security safeguards. Further meetings, if required, will be held in a secure, neutral place.
Graham L.