16. Intermediate Report on Military Plans for Guatemala1


  • Calligeris’ visit to General Somoza
On 30 September 1952 Calligeris returned from a visit with General Somoza.2 He was well received and assured by Somoza that he would be given all the support necessary. Calligeris was very pleased with the results of the visit.
Specifically, General Somoza promised the following:
That he would agree to and assist in the movement of arms into and through Nicaragua.
That he would provide the assembly area, the embarkation point, and the landing craft necessary to assemble and embark Calligeris’ force scheduled to capture Puerto Barrios in a water-borne operation.
That he would furnish some personnel. (Calligeris has asked for about 40 men, including radio operators and mortar men.)
That he would provide bomber aircraft.
That he had talked to General Trujillo and the latter would give all aid possible. General Somoza will maintain liaison with General Trujillo and see to it that all help asked for is forthcoming.
General Somoza stated that no transport planes are available.
He stated that Calligeris will have to pay all expenses for his men while they are in Nicaragua, i.e. travel, food, and maintenance.
Within the next few days Calligeris proposes to place one or more of his officers in Managua to make the detailed arrangements. Calligeris has requested, and most strongly so, that our group place a man there in a liaison capacity to work with General Somoza.
The General was extremely busy during Calligeris’ visit because he had just returned from his trip. As a result he had his son go over the plan with Calligeris. The General’s son spent most of his time cutting down the list of arms and equipment that Calligeris had presented.
On the matter of transport aircraft, when Calligeris was told that none were available (by Somoza’s son), he stated, as instructed by us, that all equipment provided would [be] replaced in kind. Calligeris states that the aircraft are available but that the matter will have to be taken to the General. It is for that reason particularly that he would like one of our people there. Calligeris expects to get everything he asks for except aircraft (transport). On that matter he frankly feels he needs our help.
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 134, Folder 6. No classification marking. A handwritten note on the cover page reads: “Un-numbered Report, 1 Sept. ′52.” This memorandum is the first part of the report. The other six parts, none printed, are entitled: 2. Carl Simmons; 3. Movement of Arms From the U.S. to Nicaragua; 4. Movement of Arms by Truck from Managua, Nicaragua to Guatemala; 5. Schedule for Advancing Funds to Calligeris; 6. Time Schedule for Operations; and 7. Suspension of Gasoline Deliveries to Guatemala by United States Oil Companies.
  2. Presumably the date of the meeting should be July 30, 1952, soon after Somoza’s meeting with Colonel Mara; see Document 14.