Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 67: Telegram

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway)

top secret
operational immediate

JCS 86654. From JCS. JCS approve course of action outlined in para 6 ur HNC 430;1 however, they reserve judgment for present on advisability of taking inflexible position indicated in last sentence of para 6 e. Accordingly, while you should continue to press for acceptance of this principle, this should not constitute a final UNC position.

We feel here that early agreement on principles governing selection of line of demarcation satisfying our major requirements has considerable importance. Possibility exists that having made substantial concessions on location of line, Commie resistance may considerably stiffen or even revert to 38th parallel position.

  1. Dated November 8, p. 1100.