320/11–351: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France


Gadel 60. Repeated to: SCAP for USPolAd, Tokyo 730, info 00A. Dept believes undesirable consider Korean item, Delga 33,1 in present state armistice negotiations. So long negotiations actively progressing and until fairly clear whether armistice will be achieved, tone GA debates would have to be ambiguous, and great danger debates might adversely affect progress negotiations.

GADel shld seek indefinite postponement entire Korean item, in manner and with understanding it might be taken up on very short notice. Suggest possibility putting item second or third Comm 1 agenda, and repeatedly putting it down a notch so long as postponement desirable. Alternative possibility to leave place Korean item undetermined, with Comite understanding it might be brought up any time. You will be further instructed as armistice talks proceed. In discussions other Dels, you shld indicate substance above, and general outlines our thinking various alternative position papers. When it becomes clearer how armistice talks will come out, you will be instructed to proceed detailed negotiation other Dels on lines appropriate position paper.

Dept recognizes uncertainty re Korean item might affect other items as well, and this shld be kept in mind in setting order of consideration other items. You should resist, however, possible tendency other Dels to do nothing or step over-cautiously on other questions from fear that doing anything Sov might not like might possible rock Korean armistice talks.

  1. Dated November 3, p. 1085.