
Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State for the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly


United Nations Action Against Aggression in Korea—Summary of Main United States Objectives in the General Assembly

I. The United States should continue to play a leading role in the General Assembly consideration of the Korean question and should [Page 1078] seek to maintain the maximum United Nations’ support for the United Nations action in Korea and for the measures necessary to achieve United Nations objectives there.

II.—If There Is No Armistice:

A. The United States, with other key delegations, should sponsor a resolution which would:

Call upon the aggressors to cease and desist from their aggression and call upon the Chinese Communists to withdraw from Korea.
Reaffirm the United Nations determination to continue its action in Korea.
Urge all members to intensify assistance and contribute additional forces.
Note with concern that certain States have rejected recommendations of the Additional Measures Committee and of giving assistance to the aggressor.
Request the Additional Measures Committee to consider additional political and economic measures to meet aggression in Korea.
Reaffirm policy of United Nations to bring about cessation of hostilities and achievement of United Nations objectives by peaceful means.
Request the President of the General Assembly to make available his good offices to this end.

B. The United States should, with respect to the United Nations Commission on the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea, support a resolution which would:

Approve the report of UNCURK and specifically reaffirm the objectives and principles of the resolution of October 7, 1950.
Replace UNCURK with a single United Nations political representative with a Commission to advise him consisting of the same membership as UNCURK with functions similar to those of UNCURK.

III.—If There Is An Armistice:

A. The United States should support a resolution which would:

Reaffirm the objectives of the United Nations to bring about by peaceful means a unified, independent and democratic government in Korea.
Appoint a United Nations delegation with broad terms of reference which would discuss with interested parties an agreement on a political settlement for Korea and for Korea only. The United Nations delegation might consist of representatives of the United States and two other countries with troops in Korea, e.g., Thailand and Australia. The settlement would be subject to approval by the General Assembly.
Request UNCURK to advise the United Nations delegation.
Refer to past resolutions by the Security Council and the General Assembly on United Nations action in Korea.
Note approval of the armistice by the Security Council and express [Page 1079] Assembly’s satisfaction over conclusion of armistice and successful accomplishment by United Nations forces of their mission in Korea.