795B.11/7–2851: Telegram
The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
91. Text Pres Rhee’s letter to Pres Truman cabled separate msg. While letter gives Rhee chance let off steam and express ROK (Rhee’s) position it cannot be considered more than temporary solution present difficulty. As indicated msg yesterday, instructions to Gen Paik are to attend mtgs “for time being” only. Impossible predict what new device may be dreamed up in next few days.
As I see it, Rhee feels he cannot publicly do anything which wld cause impression he accepts partition Korea. As long as he was hopeful agenda wld not be agreed, problem having ROK rep attend meeting not serious but now that possibility exists that armistice may be achieved, participation ROK rep implies Rhee’s approval agreements reached, which makes him furious.
In conversation yesterday, he asked why we did not stay where we were and have no armistice agreement. He also asked for assurance an agreement on line of demarcation wld be temporary and that in conf on polit questions no such line wld be agreed. These points reiterated Truman letter.
[Page 747]I assume our position in polit talks in fact wld be to put emphasis on possibilities of unification not division of Korea and only after it is evident no agreement possible wld we consider temporary de facto line. Adversaries no doubt wld revert to demands this be on 38th and we wld hold out for armistice line. Both sides, committed to objective of unification, wld carefully avoid recognizing line as permanent. This position seems evident and is understood by Rhee in his more lucid moments. It is hard therefore to describe reasons for his letter except in terms of baffled old man searching for any expedient to protect his position.
It is going to be most difficult in course of negots to keep him mollified and to keep from publicly disassociating himself from negots or from indicating he is being forced to go along. It wld obviously ease situation here and avoid further precipitant and embarrassing moves on Rhee’s part if some way cld be found to remove him from scene for spell. Thought occurs to me that in view of his letter to Pres Truman and present ROK attitudes on both cease-fire and Jap peace treaty; he might jump at chance to go to US for visit if officially invited. I hesitate for several reasons to advance such suggestion and merely put it out for Dept’s consideration without any strong recommendation on my part.
Sent Dept 91 rptd info priority Tokyo for Ridgway 36.