792.5 MAP/5–2351: Telegram

The Chargé in Thailand (Turner) to the Secretary of State


1894. Re Depcirtel 71 May 18.1 Highlights MDAP for Thai since signing agreement Oct 17 were:

Official ceremony marking turnover arms Phra Mane grounds Jan 24 impressed large gathering which heard forceful addresses by Amb and PriMin. Interesting note this ceremony coincided with PriMin’s initial anti-Commie defense meeting for provincial governors and Amphur (district) officers throughout Kingdom. Fact these officials returned duly impressed and spread word was beneficial to provinces hitherto completely unaware US military assistance. Mass training flight (26 AT–6s) to north and northeast which followed above ceremony in early Feb created awakening effect there.
Arrival 30 AT–6 aircraft and 6 SB2C planes mid-Apr marked inauguration intensive training Royal Air Force and Naval Air Force, both of which reorganized under MAAG supervision. One Royal Air Force squadron activated Jan 1, another Mar 1, with third due June 1. First ready for combat in Spitfires end of 1951. Wish emphasize these squadrons will be satisfactory according US standards. 15 Air Force officers already sent US for training in maintenance, tech fields to provide Air Force with adequate instructions after termination MAAG operation.
Training and equipping 9 infantry battalions along with complete overhaul basic army training system moving ahead rapidly with [Page 1612] full cooperation Thai. Imperative bear in mind that immed turnover US equipment to poorly trained units impossible. MAAG successfully completed ordnance school for 100 men from above battalions in MAAG with result Thai now in position receive, maintain equipment already arrived. Extensive infantry training under MAAG supervision in final planning stage will ensure efficient end use equipment, and prepare each battalion for combat 8 months after beginning training.
Top Army, Navy, Air Force, police and Defense Ministry officers will attend MAAG-operated strategic intelligence school beginning June 4 which shld result in badly needed coordinated intelligence system.

As Thai forces existed mostly on paper and incapable conducting warfare by western standards, can be said military capabilities definitely increased even though MAAG in early stages of operation. Full cooperation and eagerness to learn by all services evidence high morale among troops.

MAAG presence has given present govt stability internally and made possible its full commitment to UN. Of opinion Commie elements in Thai wld have made considerable progress but for advent MAAG which has caused number of traditional fence-sitters either join non-Commie camp or at least prevent them running over to Commies. Obvious Commie concern over MAAG increasing in local Chi press, Peking broadcasts, Viet Minh broadcasts, and even Soviet press. Except for pro-Commie elements and fellow travelers, who emphasize such themes as US building up Thai as base for Indochina aggression, reaction to MAAG program definitely favorable.

Altho above longer than instructed, Emb finds briefer summation MAAG program wld tend lose desired effect.

  1. In circular telegram 71, May 18, the Department asked the Embassy for a statement to be included in the Third Semi-annual Report on MDAP to Congress. The Embassy was instructed to cover the period from October 7, 1950, to March 31, 1951. (740.5 MAP/5–1851)