493.46E9/11–551: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Ceylon
185. In view indication Ceylon may attempt make further rubber shipments Commie Chi, Embtel 304 Nov 51 either as straight commercial transactions or by rice rubber barter, it is important go on record as expressing contd US displeasure on same grounds as before.
Manner of registering above views left ur discretion. It may possibly be desirable first discuss matter with Jayewardene, informing him necessary go on record and asking his informal advice how best accomplish this without unduly embarrassing or antagonizing govt. If he offers transmit ur views, such conversation will suffice for record.
Amb Satterthwaite concurs.
- Telegram 304 from Colombo, November 5, not printed, reported in part on an article in the Times of Ceylon for November 5 which stated that Communist Chinese officials had offered to send a delegation to Ceylon to discuss the bartering of rice, coal, and grain for rubber (493.46E9/11–551).↩