493.46E9/9–2851: Telegram

The Ambassador in Ceylon (Satterthwaite) to the Secretary of State


211 I asked Vaithianathan this morning whether in his opinion there was any possibility GOC taking action which wld delay or prevent departure Mickiewicz (Deptel 120 September 26)1 saying if there was I wld like see PriMin in final effort persuade him take such action. Vaithianathan said it wld be entirely useless do so, that for polit reasons it was impossible for PriMin prevent departure, and that Cabinet had met yesterday for first time in several weeks and approved PriMin’s decision.

In ensuing discussion we agreed that situation was in brief as follows: Emb had made it clear to GOC for past several months that if Ceylon rubber was shipped to Commie Chi contrary UN embargo US wld have no choice but discontinue any further econ assist to Ceylon: PriMin had hoped rubber wld not be shipped but for polit reason was unable take action prevent it.

In further discussion Vaithianathan said that Jayewardene had sent only brief report this discussion with McGhee. He had indicated great importance US Govt attached to preventing sailing Mickiewicz but said he wld report in detail to PriMin on his return. He is expected here day before PriMin’s departure (Embtel 207 September 27)2 for Australia.

I read Vaithianathan excerpts from Deptel 121 September 27 (including sentence re Indonesia) in connection with further discussion sulphur. It appears that Corea may have made this presentation on his own initiative. Vaithianathan said Emb had made it perfectly clear that we cld not provide sulphur if GOC permitted shipment rubber to Commie Chi and that Cabinet now understood this situation.

An interesting sidelight Vaithianathan said he had heard Home Min Goonetilleke quoted as saying in Cabinet mtg that wrangle with US A wld be worth three million votes to UNP.

In course discussion I said that while I had endeavored understand basis Ceylon’s position it was important that he understand that of [Page 2067] the US, namely, that China had already early this year reed 5 times as much rubber as it normally needed for civilian consumption, that rubber being shipped on Mickiewicz was destined for North Chi where it wld go directly into Chi war machine for mil use against UN forces and that in circumstances US Govt and people wld be unable understand this action on part GOC and cld not in circumstances be expected extend Ceylon further econ assist.

In view foregoing I have not requested appointment with PriMin.

Mickiewicz expected sail by Sunday3 if prevailing stormy weather permits.

Rptd info London 86 Djakarta 19.

  1. Telegram 120 to Colombo, September 26, not printed, suggested that, in view of the present and potential future delay of the Mickiewicz and if-the Embassy deemed the atmosphere favorable, the Prime Minister be approached to delay the vessel’s departure until after the arrival of Jayewardene. The Department felt that Jayewardene might be able to influence the government of Ceylon with the impression derived from his visit to the United States and his conversations in Washington. (493.46E9/9–2651)
  2. Not printed.
  3. September 30.