493.46E9/8–3151: Telegram
The Ambassador in Ceylon (Satterthwaite) to the Secretary of State
132. As result conversation reported my 130, Aug 30 Vaithianathan read me last evening two ltrs which he said were ready for delivery.
First was from PriMin to chairman Port Commission. Referring to latter’s oral instrs from his departed Min to instruct oil cos furnish oil for Polish line ships lifting rubber for China, ltr politely but clearly countermands these orders. It states that in view oil shortage position oil cos is understandable and that he shld therefore take no steps compelling them supply oil to such ships.
Second ltr was from Vaithianathan to director brokerage firm having principal contract for rubber shipment in question who had written PriMin suggesting govt shld take steps assist in obtaining bunkers for Polish vessels arriving to lift rubber for China. Vaithianathan writes that he has been instructed by PriMin say in reply that on acct shortage oil it would not be feasible do so.
I expressed satis with action taken by PriMin. Emb will however continue fol situation closely.1
Dept pass London; sent Dept 132, rptd info London 37, Karachi 12, Delhi 18.
- On August 31, in response to telegrams 130 and 132 from Colombo, Assistant Secretary McGhee congratulated Ambassador Satterthwaite on his handling of the rubber discussions with the Prime Minister (telegram 86 to Colombo, not printed; 493.46E9/8–3151).↩