689.90D/4–951: Telegram

The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Secretary of State


933. For McGhee.

(1) In a long discussion with FonSecy this p. m. (your 632 of the 6th) it was agreed he wld bring its 4 points to attention of Prime Minister tonight and request appointment for me tomorrow to have Liaquat’s answer.

(2) Ikramullah said the cabinet had sent on April 7 to Zafrullah at Lake Success a draft of Paks reply to the US démarche of Nov 6 and hoped to have his comments by tomorrow so the Prime Minister may discuss that also. He intimated the Paks wld accept 3 points of the US démarche but on the 4th point wld impose a precondition that Pushtoonistan could not be included in any discussion with the Afghans under point 4 of our approach.

(3) Perhaps I may be able to persuade Liaquat to accept your thinking on para 3 of your tel under reference when I see him especially in view of the fact that Col. Shah now secy of the Pak Ministry of States and Frontier Affairs, and as I reported 6 months ago the probable Amb designate to Afghan, has accepted an invitation from Faiz Mohd to meet in Jalalabad this week and resume last years [Page 1956] confs on problems of common interest to Pak and Afghan. Ikramullah said Col. Shah leaves Karachi tomorrow en route to this meeting and added this is evidence the 2 govts are in contact at a high level in discussing current frictions and pressures.

Department pass London, repeated info Kabul 45, London 57.
