690D.91/9–2851: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
171. Re: Kashmir (urtels 389, 390, Sept 28):1
Re pos course of action: Dept strongly supports USUN belief UK–US cld draft res based on both Arts 36 and 37 without citing them. Dept believes continued ref these arts has been somewhat confusing. While must await Graham report and private discussions with him, Dept considering fol course:
Expand Graham’s powers enable him endeavor induce parties carry out his 13 point program previously submitted to parties. Dept favorably disposed USUN belief res shld both hold parties UNCIP commitments and enable Graham explore mutually acceptable settlements [Page 1874] along lines Dixon’s powers. Phrasing can probably be found to avoid implication SC abandoning UNCIP agreements while seeking solution mutually acceptable both parties.