690D.91/9–1251: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in London 1
1624. 1. Working level mtgs held Dept Sep 10–14 with Fowler of UKUN and Belcher Brit Emb. Scott of FonOff also had gen conversations with McGhee and Hickerson fol Acheson–Morrison talks which dealt briefly and inconclusively Kashmir.
2. Talks explored all aspects Kashmir case and gen very helpful. No essential disagreement developed tho Brit admittedly rather sterile of ideas. Since it was realized nature Graham report might alter any contemplated approach, no effort made reach definite agreement policy beyond immed SC consideration report.
3. USUN tel 337 Sep 12 rptd 9/14, London 1485 Delhi 606, Karachi 299 arrived in time last talk. Apparent Graham endeavored forestall rejection anything which at this stage cld be called a plan but rather utilized device carefully phrased questionnaire pts to be ans separately, thus permitting essential tabulation of individual pts of difference on which Graham or SC cld suggest compromises. Some reason believe Graham only included questions on which he had recd previous assurances helpful ans.
4. Working level mtgs discussed at some length question ref case to GA. UK appeared favor ref to GA by SC fol submission Graham report. Dept has been inclined favor such action if it definitely appeared unlikely SC cld act effectively, on ground that res by GA wld have broader base, increase pressure on India and possibly open new avenues of solution. However, Dept now inclined favor SO action rather than GA in view GOP attitude expressed by Liaquat to Warren and by Zafrullah to Dept and USUN (NY’s 355, Sept 19, rptd London, Karachi, Delhi). Dept also notes possibility some effective SC action may be enhanced by fact that Graham’s draft agreement does not entirely freeze situation. If USSR were to veto SC res or GOI were to finally reject, further consideration wld of course be given to ref [Page 1863] case to GA. Immed problem is convince GOP that UN making maximum effort toward early settlement. Now apparent ref to GA wld not serve this purpose. London discuss with FonOff, USUN with UKDel, Delhi, Karachi with UKHCs. Cable comment soonest.
- Sent also to New Delhi as telegram 669, to Karachi as 326, and to New York as 151.↩