357.AB/9–651: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
top secret
New Delhi, September 6, 1951—6 p. m.
871. Embtel 852 Sept 5.
1. Graham told me complete confidence following today:
- (a)
- Commission decided not present complete plan demilitarization for consideration GOI and GOP but give to each govt simultaneously and in writing identical documents containing several numbered points or suggestions re demilitarization with request for views re each. Approval of all these points or suggestions wld in effect represent approval of complete outline of plan for demilitarization. Commission feared that if integral detailed plan presented to each govt and if one govt shld accept and other reject govt which accepted might [Page 1832] feel itself entitled become militant because it had UN behind it and that danger of outbreak of hostilities which seemed to have declined during recent weeks might revive. If each govt wld accept commission’s invitation give its written views on each point or suggestion replies which shld clearly show issues and differences involved wld be included in Graham’s report to SC.
- (b)
- Graham plans have documents containing points or suggestions delivered within next 48 hours. He expects take final departure from New Delhi morning Sept 8 proceed Karachi to bid farewell GOP officials, then continue Geneva to prepare report. He will leave member mission behind to receive and carry replies to Geneva.
2. Our impression Graham and his assistants have thus far acted with wisdom, tact and restraint. We believe their decision to submit number points and suggestions rather than integral plan sound. We do not know contents document at present under preparation but are sure it being drafted with great care, in close accord with terms reference and with desire demonstrate complete fairness to parties concerned.