690D.91/8–1651: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom


991. Deptel 927, Aug 11. Fr Emb now states Fr wld like “associate themselves” with US in any future approaches, before conclusion Graham mission, re present crisis Indo-Pak relations and wishes know substance previous US action. Most likely Fr have been in touch with Brit on this question.

Fr Emb informed Aug 151 that US Ambs had informally expressed deep US concern to both PriMins over recent troop movements, mutual [Page 1817] recriminations by polit leaders and press both countries, and signs of communal uneasiness, urging utmost efforts be made avoid drift toward war and find solution for basic Kashmir problem; also that Fr interest this matter welcomed and that further advice wld be forthcoming.

Emb shld report Brit views. Assoc of Fr with any further expressions US and UK concern might be helpful if such expressions become necessary, but Dept does not want take position now.

FYI only: Background Fr interest appears be reported talks last week between Fr reps at Karachi (with Auchinleck) and Calcutta (with Cariappa)2 indicating Auchinleck’s conviction that war will start in Oct, despite its disastrous consequences for Pak, and Cariappa’s opinion that Pak is bluffing.

  1. Memorandum of conversation with M. Albert Fequant, Second Secretary of the French Embassy, by Mr. Richard D. Gatewood, August 15, not printed (690D.91/8–1551).
  2. Gen. K. M. Cariappa, Chief of Staff and Commander in Chief, Indian Army.