690D.91/7–3151: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the India 1


262. Embs’ views requested on desirability Liaquat’s visiting Delhi or mtg Nehru at some other place such as a point on Indo-Pak border. Dept realizes Liaquat’s acceptance Nehru invitation fol Nehru’s failure consider Liaquat’s invitation, along with fact that Liaquat traveled to Delhi last year, might provoke strong reaction in Pak. Dept also realizes if Liaquat were encouraged go Delhi and returned [Page 1803] empty-handed Pak reaction against those who had encouraged acceptance Nehru’s invitation wld be unfortunate. Do Embs believe Liaquat might decide acceptance Nehru’s invitation wld demonstrate to rest of world GOP’s sincere desire for peace? Wld this possible advantage be outweighed by popular reaction in Pak against Delhi visit and by possibility India wld regard it as sign weakness?

What are Embs estimates practical progress which might be made if PriMins met?

  1. Sent also to the Embassy in Pakistan as telegram 119.