FRC Lot 53 A 278: ECA Cable File
The ECA Acting Administrator (Bissell) to the Embassy in the Philippines 1
Ecato 151. Toeca 147, Round Up Cable Feb. 20.2 Appreciate your round up cables.
Most necessary you continue with assistance Ambassador utmost pressure united front for uncompromised minimum wage legislation which is integral indispensable provision Quirino–Foster agreement.
You may make clear that US Govt. does not consider this agreement a Quirino administration program but program indicating acceptability American aid that cuts across party or partisan lines and indicates readiness or unreadiness all political factions meet Philippine national crisis.
Other Subjects: ECA will ask Bureau Budget this week for allocation $15 million Phil at the same time presentation made for additional FY 51 sums Formosa, Burma, Thailand. This allocation merely makes available sum for initiating program but make it plain no part will be expended pending Phil legislative determination it is prepared meet initial conditions for aid. Be prepared sterilize publicity to contrary.
We have prepared FY 52 presentation for $50 million but willing consider amendment for larger sum if proposed program and justification compelling. Agree in principle five-year mathematical division not sound basis for evaluation problems to be met but that utmost benefits to economy and widely to people must be sought in first year aid operation to supplement military efforts to turn tide of deterioration law and order.