Editorial Note
In telegram 403, August 2, to Manila, drafted by Mr. Dulles and cleared with Mr. Battle, the Department instructed the Embassy as follows: “While you shld not yourself bring up the subj of possible Bilateral security treaty between Phil and US, if it shld be brought up by Quirino or Romulo you are authorized to state that we will give this matter sympathetic consideration.” (790.5/8–251)
In telegram 500 from Manila, August 3, 5 p. m., Ambassador Cowen reported:
“During talk this morning Quirino brought up question of treaty of alliance (Deptel 403, Aug 2) which he is most anxious to conclude. He asked me why Phils cld not participate in same treaty that is to be signed with Australia and New Zealand so that such mutual defense arrangement cld be expanded at some later and more appropriate time into general PAC pact. I told him it wld be far more dignified for Phils to negotiate a bilateral security treaty with the US than to ride on the coat tails of Australia and New Zealand. Romulo is still working on language for such treaty.” (694.001/8–351)
The remainder of this telegram is printed on page 1237.
In telegram 448 to Manila, August 6, 7 p. m., drafted by Mr. Dulles and cleared with the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs, the Department stated: “We are pressing urgently for governmental decision in principle re bilateral security treaty along lines trilateral treaty. We are strongly of opinion it shld be a bilateral with Phils so as to better preserve Phil ability to link with Southeast Asia. A further development of Western Pacific security cld consolidate the initial steps. But this wld be later phase. Will cable soonest when decision in principle reached.
“Contents this cable for your pers background guidance pending more formal definition our position.” (694.001/8–651) Another portion [Page 237] of this telegram is summarized in footnote 5 to telegram 504 from Manila, August 4, page 1239.