694.00/7–1751: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Philippines 1
213. Dept seeking some device to counteract or at least soften Phil reaction reparations and security aspects Jap peace treaty and expected [Page 225] continution this agitation. Dept hoped Phil reaction US–Austral–NZ trilateral wld be based on unique Phil-Amer relations which totally unlike anything US has ever had with any other country and that therefore Phils wld consider its relations with US something far more intimate and beyond any treaty relationship which US might have with any other friendly country. In this sense Dept had hoped Phil wld consider trilateral simply as strengthening US relations with other fon govts which wld fall far short of relations with Phils which have been unequivocally stated on numerous occasions by Pres and SecState and registered in such arrangements as base agreement.
Foregoing interpretation may seemingly be incorrect reurtel 233, July 17.2 Dept wld appreciate your views as to whether formalization of US guarantees to Phils in simple treaty of alliance and guarantee at this time wld serve any useful purpose to increase Phil sense of security and make more palatable disappointment over failure secure inclusion in Jap peace treaty stronger reparations clause. This shld not be discussed with Filipinos at this juncture.