694.001/9–851: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Cosan 33. From USDel San Francisco. Dept pls rpt Djakarta niact and priority Amb from O’Sullivan.1
[Page 1340]1. On Sept 6 Indo del addressed fol letter re fisheries to Jap del:
“With reference to conversation held by reps of Indo and Jap dels of Wed night Sept 5, in Palace Hotel at San Francisco on subject of fishing and fisheries on high seas, I have the honor to state that fol is the understanding of Indo del in regard results of that conversation.
“It was understood that in accordance with Art 9 of Jap peace treaty the regulation or limitation of fishing and conservation and development of fisheries on high seas between and surrounding the Indo Islands would be settled in a friendly and brotherly way between Indo and Jap nations and wld be subject of a treaty between Indo and Jap, to be concluded as soon as possible after signing of peace treaty.
“It was further understood that said treaty wld be based on principle that in interest of both nations fishing activities on above mentioned seas should be regulated and limited in order to preserve amount of fish in those areas and to safeguard seafood supply of Indo people.
“This letter is forwarded to you through the intermediary of del of the US of Amer to the Jap peace conference.
“The Indo del wld be grateful if the Jap del wld confirm the above in the same way. Please accept, etc. Signed Ahmad Subardjo.”
2. Same date Japs replied as fols:
“I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s note dated Sept 6, stating the understanding of the Indo del in regard to results of conversations held by reps of the Indo and Jap dels on Sept 5, as fols:
[Here follows a repetition of paragraphs two and three of the Indonesian note.]
“I have the honor to confirm hereby the understanding of the Indo del, it being understood, however, that the internationally recognized freedom of high seas shld always be respected and that no waiver of international rights of the Jap Govt is implied hereby.
“Please accept, etc. Signed Shigeru Yoshida.”
3. On Sept 5, Indo del addressed fol letter re reparations to Jap del:
“With reference to meeting between heads of the Indo and Jap dels in the Palace Hotel at San Francisco on Sept 4, followed by further discussions of representatives of said dels on the same date, I have the honor to state that fol is the understanding of Indo del in regard to results of above mentioned meetings.
- “1. Jap is prepared to pay reparations to Indo for damage suffered by Indo during second world war in accordance with provisions stipulated in Art 14 of the Jap peace treaty.
- “2. Those reparations will be specified and amount thereof fixed in a bilateral treaty between Indo and Jap, which will be concluded as soon as possible after signing of peace treaty.
- “3. Disputes which might arise between Indo and Jap concerning interpretation or execution of reparations treaty to be concluded, which cannot be settled by diplomatic means, shall be settled in accordance with provisions in Art 22 of the Jap peace treaty.
“The Indo del wld be grateful if the Jap del wld confirm the above through the intermediary of the del of the US of Amer. “Accept, Excellency, etc. Signed Ahmad Subardjo.”
4. On Sept 6, Jap del replied as fols:
“I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s note dated Sept 5, asking confirmation by my del of the fol understanding in connection with our meeting in Palace Hotel at San Francisco on Sept 5.
[Here follows a repetition of numbered paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the Indonesian note.]
“I have the honor to confirm hereby the above stated understanding.”
5. Indo letters in (1) and (3) above handed Jap del by US del. Jap replies in (2) and (4) above transmitted via US del to Indos under cover simple transmittal note.
6. Amb Ali just before signing ceremony Sept 8 asked Rusk if US in position give Indos note indicating US wld help Indos in negotiations on fisheries and reparations. Rusk replied that US wld do anything short of “making itself co-signatory of Jap notes” identified above. We are considering note along lines of assurances given by Dulles in conversation with Subardjo (Cosan 5, Sept 2 particularly fifth para).2 Text will be cabled when prepared.3
7. We expect Indos to make public letter (1) through (4) inclusive. You may use info above at your discretion.
- James L. O’Sullivan, Acting Officer in Chargé of Indonesian and Pacific Island Affairs. The telegram was relayed to Djakarta at 10:45 p. m. Washington time.↩
- In this telegram, which concerned a conversation held September 1, Mr. Rusk had stated in part: “[Mr. Dulles] emphasized that regardless of treaty clauses, whether in fact Jap paid reparations was matter their intent … He said that as lawyer if Indos were convinced of Jap good faith in question reparations, he would advise them to sign treaty; that if they were not convinced of Jap good faith this question, he would advised them against such signature. However, he pointed out that if Indos signed peace treaty, they could be assured of US help, mediation and support in their negotiations with Jap this question; that if they did not sign, they would probably get nothing out of Japan … I then suggested, and Indos accepted, to arrange that Jap del should seek them out for discussion reparations question.” (694.001/9–251)↩
- In telegram 331 to Djakarta, September 15, the Department reported that the preceding day Minister Subardjo, then in Washington, had been handed a note (not printed) “confirming that procedure adopted by US Del at San Francisco in channelling certain communications between Indo FonMin and Jap PriMin through US Del was intended and shd be interpreted as token US support for Indo Govt in matters mentioned in above corres.” (694.001/9–1551)↩