694.001/8–251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald)


Topad 169. For Sebald from Dulles. It is now our view that the so-called Addendum constituting item 41 of the initialed documents of Feb 9, 1951, shld take form of exchange of notes between Acheson and Yoshida, the note from Acheson to read as follows:

[Here follows a draft identical in substance to the final text with one exception: the word “preventive”, which appears in the draft between the words “taking” and “action” in the first sentence of the second paragraph, is omitted from the final text. For text of the exchange of notes of September 8, 1951, see Department of State Bulletin, September 17, 1951, page 465.]

It may possibly be that the language at end of second para and beginning of third para wld need to be altered somewhat in light of what actually happens in Korean armistice discussions, but in any event we wld want the confirmation indicated by third para.2 [Dulles.]

  1. For text, see Annex III to the letter of February 10 from Mr. Dulles to Secretary Acheson, p. 876.
  2. In telegram 286 from Tokyo, August 8, marked “For Dulles,” Mr. Sebald stated the Foreign Office had replied as follows: “‘The Jap Govt has no objection to the draft of notes concerning the subj matter to be exchanged between the Jap delegate and the SecState of the United States Govt.’” He had been assured orally that the delegate in question was Prime Minister Yoshida. (694.001/8–851) In telegram 242 to Tokyo, August 13, the Department stated in part that the exchange of notes should occur at the time of the signing of the bilateral security treaty. (694.001/8–251)