
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State


6456. From Dulles for the Secretary (No. 7). Had private mtg with Attlee this evening to discuss Chinese participation question. I pointed out that we had agreed to recommending having either both or neither Chinese Govt signatory to Jap peace treaty and that no one cld expect more. Attlee stated allied powers shld reserve from Jap sovereignty right to conduct its foreign relations with China and that this should come under supervision of FEC group as originally proposed by UK.

I said UK proposal unacceptable for 4 reasons:

Failure to restore Jap to status of sovereign equality wld undermine entire basis of treaty and our cooperative arrangements with Jap contemplated after treaty;
UK proposal wld throw apple of discord into ranks of FEC powers;
FEC group couldn’t deal with question in pragmatic way possible for Japs and inability of group to agree wld saddle individual members with grave responsibility for resulting situation;
Scarcely concealed motivation of UK was distrust of US influence in Jap and desire to nullify and circumscribe it.

For all above reasons UK proposals unacceptable. Jap wld probably work out its relations with China if left alone better than other [Page 1110] cld do. Not only US but also UK wld have influence in Jap, particularly if we jointly sponsored treaty.

Attlee seemed unconvinced but said be wld take matter up again with Cabinet Monday.1 All members of FonOff from Morrison, Younger and Dening on down seem persuaded of reasonableness of US stand and are apparently trying to influence decision in our direction.

Allison and remainder of Mission remaining in London to bring tentative draft into good shape while I am in Paris. Hope to have favorable Cabinet decision by my return London June 13 but this by no means certain.2 [Dulles.]

  1. June 11.
  2. Telegram 6485, from London, June 11, is marked “For Rusk from Allison. Paris for Dulles [as number 2669].” The entire text follows: “Dening informed us this afternoon that at Cabinet meeting this morning agreement had been reached to former formula on Chinese accession on assumption that US would be able to meet the Brit on some of the remaining minor outstanding points. This formula as previously indicated provides for neither Chinese Govt signing original multilateral pact and leaves it for determination of Japanese as to what Chinese Government it will deal with.” (694.001/6–1151)