Lot 54 D 423

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State


Mr. Dulles’ Report to the President

Mr. Dulles accompanied me to the White House and gave the President a report of his last visit to Japan. He stressed the importance of his being able to assure the Japanese government and leaders that the relief of General MacArthur did not indicate any change in our policy of pushing ahead vigorously with the Japanese peace treaty. He thought that this point was made and was strongly reinforced by the President’s announcement on April 18 of arrangements to be entered into with the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand,1 all of which would supplement and strengthen the treaty with Japan in the direction of further Pacific security.

The President expressed agreement with Mr. Dulles’ hope that the present controversy on the Hill should not extend to disagreement about the Japanese peace treaty. Mr. Dulles will from time to time see General MacArthur to keep him advised of the progress of events in an endeavor to hold his sympathetic interest and support for the treaty.

D[ean] A[cheson]
  1. For text, see Department of State Bulletin, April 30, 1951, p. 699.