Mr. John Foster Dulles, the Consultant to the Secretary, to the Minister for External Affairs of New Zealand (Doidge)
My Dear Mr. Minister: I shall take back with me to Washington the “Draft Treaty for consideration by the Governments of Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America.”1 I am hopeful that the step envisaged by this draft will commend itself to my Government. At the same time, I must emphasize that I have no authority to commit my Government to its acceptance and that a final decision on the part of my Government must wait upon the report which I shall make upon my return and upon consideration by my Government of the bearing of the proposed treaty, both in substance and in detailed wording, upon all elements of a world situation which is so delicate that no single step should be taken without fully appraising all of its possible repercussions and implications.
As I told you, the instructions to our Mission contemplated a Pacific security arrangement more comprehensive than merely a three party treaty to supplement existing or prospective arrangements of the United States in relation to other Pacific island areas. Consequently, such a limited arrangement as is envisaged by the draft referred to has not yet been given authoritative consideration by the various interested departments of my Government.
In this connection I recall that the present draft was prepared to enable us to explore together matters of substance and without prejudice to the question of who might be the parties. The United States desires clearly to reserve the position of the Philippine Republic in this respect.
I further recognize that there is an interdependence between the contemplated Japanese peace treaty, which we have also discussed, and the contemplated security treaty in the sense that neither of us would be obligated to accept one without the other.
I take this occasion to express the gratification which I feel at having had the opportunity to participate, on behalf of the United States, in these discussions with the Governments of Australia and New Zealand and my belief that these discussions have served to [Page 176] bring about closer understanding in the interest of our common welfare and of international peace and security.
I am writing an identical letter to the Minister for External Affairs of Australia.2
I am, with assurance of my high regard,
Sincerely yours,
- Supra.↩
- In telegram 222 from
Canberra, February 19, marked “From Dulles”, the Embassy
reported in part: “Dening has been kept informed and has
expressed general approval of Pact and his personal approval of
inclusion of Philippines. Some objection to Japanese Treaty
remain but we believe will not be stubbornly pressed if Security
Pact approved by us. Atmosphere most cordial.” (790.5/2–1951)
A joint communiqué issued at the close of the Canberra discussions by Messrs. Spender, Doidge, and Dulles forms the text of telegram 225 from Canberra, February 20, not printed. (790.5/2–2051)