Editorial Note

In telegram Topad 1678 from Tokyo, March 17, Mr. Bond transmitted the text of a Japanese document titled “Japanese Government’s Views and Requests on Initialed Documents”, dated March 16. In this paper the Japanese Government presented its detailed suggestions for revision of the draft Provisional Memorandum, the draft Agreement between the United States and Japan for Collective Self-Defense, and the draft Administrative Agreement, all dated February [Page 931] 9. (See Annexes I, II, and IV, respectively, to the letter from Mr. Dulles to Secretary Acheson dated February 10, pages 875 and 876.) At the conclusion of its comments on the last-named document, the Japanese Government proposed that its Chapter IV should be limited to a stipulation to the effect that in the event hostilities occurred or were imminently threatening in the Japan area, the two governments would take appropriate measures for unified collective defense, for which concrete plans should be formulated by joint committee. (694.001/3–1751)