Editorial Note
Mr. Dulles and his party, known collectively as the “Dulles Mission,” left Washington on January 22 and arrived in Tokyo the evening of January 25. Mr. Dulles was accompanied by his wife. Other members of the Mission included the following: Mr. Allison, since January 16 the Deputy to Mr. Dulles; Earl D. Johnson, Assistant Secretary of the Army, representing the Department of Defense; Maj. Gen. Carter B. Magruder, Special Assistant for Occupied Areas in the Office of the Secretary of the Army; Col. C. Stanton Babcock, Chief of the Government Branch under General Magruder; Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Department of State (who had arrived in Japan two to three days before the rest of the party); John D. Rockefeller III, a Consultant to the Mission; and Miss Doris Doyle, Secretary.
On February 10 Mr. Johnson, Mr. Rockefeller, and General Magruder left Japan for Washington. On the following day, the rest of the Mission continued to Manila.