357.AA/3–1251: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia


977. Usgoc 495. Reur 9541 and 955 Dept concurs your suggestion that UNCI formally solicit Netherlands and Indonesian views concerning Comm. Dept’s position still as you stated that we advocate formal early dissolution. Believe that Comm’s action shld at this time be aimed at eliciting formal expression views of parties on this matter in view pending solution KL and ex-KNIL problems.

Sent to AmEmbassy Djakarta priority niact 977; repeated USUN New York 775, AmEmbassy The Hague 1033.

  1. In telegram 1226(Gocus 954) from Djakarta, March 9, Ambassador Cochran reported that Mr. Beam had again reiterated to his colleagues on the UNCI that the United States still favored the complete dissolution of the UNCI at the earliest possible date because of Indonesia’s opposition to its continuance (357.AA/3–951).