751G.00/12–3151: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State

top secret

3913. Schuman gave me this afternoon for transmittal to Dept aide-mémoire dated Dec 31 rough translation of which follows. I told him we expect to have shortly information to effect Secretary Lovett had advised Ambassador Bonnet of accurate status of arms shipments to Indochina.


“At time of his recent trip to US, Gen De Lattre obtained assurance that principal critical materiel for French Union forces IC wld be delivered prior Dec 31. This materiel included particularly: all general purpose vehicles jeep, dodge, GMC, or 4500 vehicles; majority combat vehicles, or 220 out of 330; all automatic arms, or 9400; 600 radio sets out of 2700, remainder to be delivered as manufactured.

“More recently, Dec 20, State Dept, in reply to Demarche French Emb Washington on this subject, indicated that:

  • “(1) All trucks expected, plus 200 supplementary trucks, shld arrive Saigon prior Dec 31;
  • “(2) All radio sets were going to be expedited, their delivery risking maximum delay one month;
  • “(3) Automatic arms were in process being shipped.

“Subsequent to this info, French command IC studied with Gen Brink deliveries materiel promised for end of year. In light this study, it appears that commitments taken vis-à-vis French High Comm IC, and which had been confirmed to him by Gen Collins, will not be kept for Dec 31.

“Nevertheless, Gen Brink has affirmed that certain number ships have left US and are expected IC between Dec 25 and Jan 15, carrying about 100 radio sets, 975 vehicles, 77 combat vehicles, munitions and miscellaneous materiel; on other hand, 10 tank-destroyers with 90 millimeter guns arrived this week.

“Despite effort thus made to end year by US services, it appears that important deficit will remain to be made up on Dec 31.

“At time fighting resuming with increased intensity on Tonkin front, French Govt calls most serious attention of US Govt to grave consequences which such delays in deliveries US materiel risk involving for conduct operations.

“On other hand, French Govt wld like to know as soon as possible:

  • “(1) List of ships presently at sea or which will sail before Jan 15, with tonnage and type of materiel carried;
  • “(2) Volume of aid which will remain to be furnished on Jan 15 under 1950–51 aid”.

Dept also pass Saigon sent Dept 3913 rptd info Saigon 236.
