751G.551/9–2651: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation at Saigon


442. Gen de Lattre departed Wash 24th for West Pt, thence to New York where he was guest of honor at dinner given by Luce1 of Time–Life on 24th. Departed for Paris by air evening 25th.

In addition visits service installations and official entertainment Gen had conversations high officials Defense and Dept including four hour session Sept 17 in Dept attended by reps White House, Defense and ECA, as well as Dept officials concerned IC and Fr affairs. Gen’s principle thesis was that Korea and IC are one war and therefore illogical for US grant higher priority to Korea. His exposition delivered with candor and considerable vigor. All questions put to him disposed of satisfactorily. After Gen’s effective presentation and general discussion Acting Asst Secy Merchant stated in conclusion that Dept not competent to change existing priority for IC mil Aid Program and that, furthermore, it was our opinion that Gen was ill advised to press for change of priority as extremely unlikely this cld be accomplished for reasons which Gen as soldier and patriot wld understand. Merchant advised on behalf of Dept that Gen rather devote his efforts to making up detailed list of matériel required, noting reasons and dates, and have it submitted by members of his staff (Allard and Cogny) to U.S. officers charged with implementation aid program and, finally, that Gen himself take up question in detail with Service Secys, Gen Collins and Secy Lovett.

De Lattre called on Gen Collins 20th, Secy Lovett same day and Naval and Air Secys and Chiefs of Staff subsequently. Notes these conversations where available will be pouched.

In general Dept informed that Secy Lovett and each Service Secy promised de Lattre to look again into possibility of expediting delivery of supplies under 1951 program which is being delivered far behind de Lattre’s current requirements. Similarly they assured Gen they wld attempt to expedite 1952 program. Among others, specific promise was given in instance of 1951 ground program that all of 4,500 wheeled vehicles wld be delivered by Jan 1952. This will involve certain agreed substitutions of types. Army promised to investigate [Page 525] FECOM stockpiles in effort locate available matériel and find additional supplies requested by him under the ’52 program.

At conclusion Lovett interview Secy Defense said we regarded Gen de Lattre as comrade in arms and will do everything within our capabilities to meet U.S. share of requirements for his theatre.

De Lattre did not, to our knowledge, discuss the question of a fiscal grant for general purposes including the maintenance of National armies. This subj touched upon in Schuman note (already transmitted) will probably be brought up again during and fol Oct NATO talks which will include further examination Fr Budgetary position. Nor did he raise question of SEA Theatre Command.

De Lattre’s forceful personality has, without question, advanced awareness in Dept and Defense as well as U.S. public opinion of extreme importance of IC urgency of sit there. Dept of Defense reexamination of aid program will undoubtedly result in an accelerated flow of matériel.

Dept assured de Lattre that his political program was in complete consonance with Dept’s estimate of what the actual situation required and we would continue to impress upon the Dept of Defense the desirability of re-examining the status of the supply program in keeping with our conviction that the defense of IC is essential to the defense of the balance of SEA.

Sent to AmLegation Saigon 442; repeat to AmEmbassy London for info 1696, AmEmbassy Paris for info 1818 (pass MacArthur).

  1. Henry R. Luce, Director, Time, Inc.