790B.00/3–251: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Burma
Washington, March
2, 1951—6 p. m.
547. Barrington1 recently told Key2 in strictest confidence he had recommended to GOB that if Seagrave verdict upheld free pardon shld be granted without delay and Seagrave be allowed resume work in Burm. This recommendation based on fear polit reactions in US and effect on Burm relations US. While most important that GOB not learn recommendation disclosed it is hoped you may have opportunity discreetly support it.3
- James Barrington, Burmese Ambassador to the United States.↩
- David M. Key, American Ambassador to Burma, who, at this time, was in Washington rather than Rangoon.↩
- In telegram 615 from Rangoon, March 9, Mr. Day reported that the High Court on that day had cleared Seagrave of the second charge, found him guilty of the third charge of supplying medicines to Naw Seng and reduced his sentence to one term already served since conviction, thereby granting him immediate release from prison (790B.00/3–951).↩