663.001/8–2351: Telegram
The United States High Commissioner for Austria ( Donnelly) to the Secretary of State 1
731. Foreign Office yesterday showed Leg officer copy of instructions being sent to Austrian missions Paris, London and Washington re future meeting Aus treaty deputies. Instruction stated that Aus missions should not take initiative in raising question since it was primarily in province of the four negot powers. However, they should seek occasion for informal discussion in which they should [Page 1118] state that their govt favored early meeting of deputies in order to keep the Austrian question alive as current internatl political issue. Foreign Office felt that meeting shld not be pure formality but shld be entered into with design to press the Soviets and force disclosure of their objectives. Any date after Sept 15 would be suitable provided meeting held early enough to permit an approach to UN in Nov if treaty session proved fruitless. Aus intention re UN tactics were that Assembly might be able to pass resolution urging conclusion of treaty and demand report from four negotiating powers why treaty not yet concluded.
- Repeated to Paris, London, and Frankfurt for Reber.↩