No. 730

601.6411/3–1951: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Hungary 1


278. Fol pts, which are consistent gen US position re travel restrictions Hung personnel US as previously notified Hung FonOff ur note Mar 14 (ur 442 Mar 19 and Dept 241 Mar 122) are for ur guidance in event FonOff raises question travel by Hung consular officers US (ur 470 Apr 103) and may be used as you think advisable or necessary in circumstances.

[Page 1453]

Basic US position remains as stated ur note Hung FonOff Mar 14 (ur 442 Mar 19 and Dept 241 Mar 12): (a) removal restrictions on travel official Hung personnel in US cannot be considered until Hung restrictions US personnel Budapest are withdrawn and (b) meanwhile US restrictions will be administered with due regard manner in which Hung restrictions are applied US personnel Budapest. Same procedures which apply Hung leg Wash wld therefore apply Hung consular offices NYC and Cleveland if reopened, and Hung consular personnel wld be subj restrictions on travel.
However, since NYC metropolitan area more extended than that Wash or Cleveland, Dept prepared make reasonable adjustment limits zone in which Hung consular personnel NYC may travel without permit.
If Hungs insist on explicit designation limits unrestricted zones, you may indicate these as fols: Wash—18-mile radius from White House; Cleveland—18-mile radius from Public Square; NYC—25-mile radius from City Hall.

  1. Drafted by McKisson (EUR/EE), approved by Reinhardt and Higgs (EUR/EE), cleared by Boykin (CON) and Muir (S/S–PR), and signed for the Secretary by Huston.
  2. Telegram 442 from Budapest is not printed, but see footnote 4 to telegram 241, Document 727.
  3. Not printed.