949.5262A/8–451: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1
805. After further and long telecon with HICOG reps July 31,2 Dept agreed Brit and Fr proposals for interim authorization Czech overflights pending later decision on question their suspension. HICOG accordingly authorized accept text CAB notification to Czechs essentially as given Frankfort’s 961 July 313 as best obtainable way out without recourse to unilateral action on our part objectionable to Brit and Fr, basically inconsistent with tripartite arrangement Ger and possibly subj later reversal by 2:1 vote at higher HICOM level.
[Page 1392]HICOG reps were instructed however to make clear to Brit and Fr colleagues US agreed most reluctantly to this course of action and our acceptance UK and Fr position was without prejudice to our further pursuit US proposal.
Fol this telecon Dept officers met with reps Brit Emb here when we informed them results telecon and form interim notification finally settled on in CAB. We made plain our great disappointment Br cld not join us at once in measure of such importance to free world as a whole in endeavor to protect freedom of info, personal security Western nationals behind curtain, and prestige and position generally of Western countries. We also pointed out to Brit we consider interim notification no final solution but only provides breathing spell while urgent efforts made to obtain agreement on suspension. We thus strongly hoped they realized great importance Oatis issue Amer Govt and people as well as West generally, appreciated we were determined to make utmost efforts in behalf Oatis, and cld see their way clear to go along with us in suspension.
Brit reps indicated Brit concerned whether: (1) suspension may be of net advantage to West and whether West wld not lose more than Czech by action; (2) US not proceeding precipitately and overlooking interest other Eur countries such as Belg and Neth; and (3) this step wld have as much effect as we anticipate.
They gave us to understand they wished to cooperate with US but also believed other Eur countries whose interest involved, must be consulted in advance. They suggested, according to our understanding their position, if matter taken up with these interested govts so that importance of issue fully explained to them, Brit might go along with us. We also gathered Brit might possibly be prevailed upon to make concurrent or joint approach to these govts in behalf suspension.
Ambs London and Paris shld therefore approach UK and Fr Fon-Mins personally along fol lines: urge again importance this issue to free world generally as above. And further: this is part of integral program action which at least in totality may exert effect on Czechs; Czechs may not retaliate against Fr, Belg or Neth; if retaliation by suspension their air services to Praha this is kind of econ sacrifice all Western countries called upon to make from time to time, as in def measures, in maintaining position of free world against Commie bloc.
We are firm in belief suspension of overflights shld go forward but do not wish to leave out of consideration Western states such as Belg and Neth whose interests involved. We will consult with them and urge Brit and Fr to join us in concurrent approaches on basis of primacy polit considerations involved. If apparent net econ [Page 1393] advantage in continuation Czech and their air services this in our opinion is secondary in importance to polit factors.
Ambs Brussels and Hague requested to explain FonMins personally present status overflights authorization, press with them importance of suspension, and report views FonMins soonest. Amb Praha requested proceed with Belg and Dutch reps as suggested Praha’s 66 July 25.4
You shld further advise them seriousness of situation which may develop if this means of pressure not exercised. They will realize strength feeling on this issue in Cong and among Amer people. As there is possibility UK and Fr might gather we are attempting, in pursuit old satellite aviation policy, permanently wipe out Czech air services to Western Eur, you shld specifically advise FonMins this is not our aim and we consider denial overflight rights as pressure weapon.
Re Fr desire use this leverage to get Fr nationals imprisoned Czech released (Paris tel 690 Aug 15) it may be suggested we apprec their interest and wld give study to any proposal they may offer. Our purpose however is not simply recover an Amer citizen—however important this may be—but to take steps of such force and significance as may effectively discourage arbitrary arrest and unjust imprisonment in satellite countries of natls from any Western country. We believe French thus have important interest in this step from this standpoint alone. We had not thought of tying conditions to restoration Czech overflights and have in fact not desired to make any direct connection between suspension and Oatis case although Czechs cld not fail to realize purpose behind suspension. If extensive series of requirements advanced to Czechs as condition for restoration overflights force of measure re imprisonment natls might be lost and little if anything accomplished. In other words even if Oatis released we wld be willing consider continuing suspension overflights if Fr so desire until they receive satisfaction re their natls. But we do not believe suspension shld be used as lever to obtain number of other unrelated concessions.
Pres and Secy are giving this matter their close personal attention and you may so indicate to FonMins.
- Drafted by Vedeler of EUR/EE and cleared by GER/GPA, EUR/WE, EUR/RA, EUR/BNA, AV, and P. Also sent to Paris, Praha, Brussels, The Hague, and Frankfurt.↩
- No record of such a telecommunications conference has been found Department of State files.↩
- Telegram 961 transmitted the text of a notification from the Allied High Commission for Germany to the Czechoslovak Military Mission at Berlin authorizing the Czechoslovak Airlines to overfly West Germany during August on the same basis as in July pending an expected decision by the Commission. (949.5262A/7–3151)↩
- Not printed.↩
- Telegram 690 reported that the French were not willing to tie suspension of Czechoslovak rights to overfly West Germany exclusively to Oatis’ case. There were two French citizens currently imprisoned in Czechoslovakia and several other situations in French-Czechoslovak relations of pressing interest. (949.5262A/8–151)↩