No. 637

760.00/8–1751: Telegram

The Charge in Sweden (Woodward) to the Secretary of State


241. During past two days local press has featured stories from New York correspondents several Swedish papers regarding contemplated deportation to Sweden of 200 refugee un-visaed Balts who fled via Sweden to US in small boats. Papers also highlight report that Congressman Donovan of New York introducing bill authorizing Balts remain in US.

If returned to Swed, Balts would now have no justifiable cause to fear deportation behind Iron Curtain because Swed Govt has come to adopt at least under present conditions a clearly benevolent policy toward political refugees from Iron Curtain countries. Nevertheless, Balts here in Swed are still leaving for US, Canada, and Australia at rate of 400 a month partly because of their propinquity in Sweden to Iron Curtain and because Sweden recognizes Soviet sovereignty over Baltic States. It was largely this fact of course which caused two [hundred?] Balts now facing deportation in US to undertake dramatic perilous voyage in small boats to American shores. The spectacle of the US now deporting these Balts to Sweden could have none other but highly unfavorable effect on Balts, Swedes, and world opinion at large. It would undermine the high respect for the US held by Balts in exile and the hopes of Balts in their enslaved homelands. It would gratuitously supply Communists with effective propaganda material, and would be particularly unfortunate in view of rash of dramatic escapes now taking place to Sweden from trans-Baltic areas.

Emb therefore urges that Dept lend its full support to legislation permitting Balts in question to remain permanently in US.
