No. 57

850.33/4–2451: Telegram

The Liaison and Political Reports Division to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfurt1

937. From Liaison Bonn. Hallstein and Dittman of FonOff confirm that Adenauer returned from Paris highly pleased over successful signature of Schuman Plan, anxious to strike while iron is hot, and therefore resolved to push Parliamentary ratification. Besides remaining minor issues to be settled by experts, such as location of high auth and languages to be used, Ger legislation must be prepared for Parliament (art 59 basic law), which, in view of complexity of plan, Hallstein believes may take about six weeks. Govt thus hopes that Bundestag first reading may take place in June and that remaining Parliamentary consideration can be completed in another week or two.

According to FDP Bundestag faction leader Euler, coalition faction leaders yesterday met with Chancellor and in principle endorsed plan for rapid ratification. Euler says however that he made Bundestag ratification subj to following conditions, which he claims CDU and DP faction leaders also support: (a) prior public statements by US and Brit endorsing Fr proposal to liquidate Ruhr auth; (b) similar Western assurances re lifting of steel production restrictions; and (c) that Fr Parliament ratifies plan about same time as Ger. Euler claims that these conditions essential to meeting Schumacher’s opposition, as well as views of certain circles supporting coalition. Euler also apprehensive that Fr elections may delay Paris approval and thus give Schumacher more time to mobilize opposition in Ger. [Liaison Bonn.]

  1. Repeated to Paris, London, and the Department of State, which is the source text; pouched to Berlin and Moscow.