Editorial Note
During his press conference on July 18, Secretary of State Acheson delivered the following remarks on American policy regarding Spain:
“Military authorities are in general agreement that Spain is of strategic importance to the general defense of Western Europe. As a natural corollary to this generally accepted conclusion, tentative and exploratory conversations have been undertaken with the Spanish Government with the sole purpose of ascertaining what Spain might be willing and able to do which would contribute to the strengthening of the common defense against possible aggression.
We have been talking with the British and French Governments for many months about the possible role of Spain in relation to the [Page 835] general defense of Western Europe. We have not been able to find a common position on this subject with these Governments for reasons of which we are aware and understand. However, for the strategic reasons outlined above, the United States has initiated these exploratory conversations.”
The Secretary closed his remarks with the pledge that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization “will remain the keystone” of United States’ defense policy with respect to Western Europe. (Department of State Bulletin, July 30, 1951, page 170)
At his press conference on July 19, President Truman was asked to amplify Secretary Acheson’s comments regarding Spain. The President admitted that United States policy toward Spain had changed “to some extent” but that the nature and degree of the change remained to be worked out and that the “preliminary conversations” being held between Generalissimo Franco and Admiral Sherman were meant to define “just what the situation is with regard to our necessity, and what Spain is willing to do.” When asked if the Franco-Sherman talks were the result of any National Security Council decision, the President replied: “It is the result of the advice from the Department of Defense.”(Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1951, page 403)