No. 367


Memorandum for the Files by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Bonbright)


Mr. Matthews spoke to me this morning about my memorandum to him of March 1 on Spain.1 He said that at no time in the conversation between the Secretary and Sir Oliver Franks was there any mention ofthe Standing Group. It was also his view that in agreeing to consultations with the UK and French Governments, [Page 802] the Secretary had in mind the type of conversations carried on by Mr. Byington with Mr. Burrows of the British Embassy and Messrs. Daridan and de Margerie of the French Embassy a few days ago. At that time Mr. Byington went over with them the points of the telegraphic instruction which we proposed sending to Ambassador Griffis.2 The instruction envisages having the Ambassador sound out the Spanish Government in the near future regarding its basic attitude with regard to Western defense. It is envisaged that the Ambassador would not discuss with the Spanish Government, at this stage or prior to further consultation with the French and British Governments, any detailed military questions. He was also to avoid any reference to NATO, and he was not to say anything about our willingness to use our good offices in an endeavor to improve relations between Spain and France and the UK.

Mr. Matthews felt that it was safe and proper for us to proceed on the above basis.

J[ames] C.H.B[onbright]
  1. Supra.
  2. Transmitted in telegram 578, infra.