740A.5/9–2151: Telegram
The Chargé in Ireland (Huston) to the Secretary of State 1
60. Re Embtel 58, rptd info London 8, Paris 5, September 20.2 Emb agrees implications Deptel 27, September 13,3 rptd info London unnumbered and convinced Ireland should not be encouraged expect US arms in any substantial quantities except by positive coop role in collective defense. Emb also believes reasons why bilateral arrangement undesirable cited in NSC 83/1 remain valid. Moreover, any bilateral agreement would: represent success of policy putting Ireland’s quarrel with UK above need insuring defense free world; be construed as endorsing Irish stand on partition; create apprehension and agitation Northern Ireland; be used by Ireland put increased pressure on UK; be taken as US interference Brit sphere and otherwise place added strain US–UK relations; cause concern among other NATO countries; make US vulnerable to charge unilateral action; invite Leftist attacks US “imperialism”; generate strong polit differences in Ireland; inspire charges Ireland forced into “war pact” by US; and necessitate burdensome change-over from Brit to US type equipment with attendant supply, maintenance and training problems.
Emb believes Irish Govt has inflated idea Ireland’s importance to NATO and inclined use membership question as instrument pressure on US–UK re partition but probably realizes nothing likely be done about partition at early date and that bilateral arrangement not likely prospect. Although neutrality-mindedness runs strong in Irish thinking; decision seek arms may reflect recognition existence among certain segments Irish population sentiment favoring some Irish contribution to Eur defense plus consciousness outside criticism country’s negative defense posture; decision also possibly encouraged by recent US-Spanish negots4 and probably calculated less to bolster Eur defense than to assist continuance in power present govt which attacked coalition govt for failing insure country’s defense.
Nevertheless, Emb believes US should maintain friendly understanding attitude even if concrete aid impracticable. Irish are [Page 534] touchy and will balk at being coerced into NATO but respond to friendly gesture, which might also prevent US eventually being blamed for undefended Ireland if Irish arms needs summarily denied consideration.