No. 121

750G.00/10–1551: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassies in Italy and Yugoslavia 1


For Rome: Re Belgrade’s 483 Oct 12 rptd Rome 702 you shld inform Ital Govt YuGov willing negot to achieve ethnic settlement Trieste ques in full realization of necessity each govt begin with flexible position and of utmost desirability successful conclusion talks once initiated. You shld urge Ital Govt take first step and secretly approach YuGov on this basis (Deptel 371 Oct 9 to Belgrade rptd Rome 1620).3

For Belgrade: Upon receipt tel from Rome reporting above action taken, you shld inform YuGov of details Emb Rome’s approach.

For Rome and Belgrade: Dept considers it important this effort shld continue be tripartite with Brit and Fr. You shld therefore concert with ur Brit and Fr colleagues.

For London and Paris: Dept informing Brit and Fr Embs of foregoing with request that if respective FonOffs agree will appropriately instruct their Reps Rome and Belgrade4 (London tel 1795 Oct 12 rptd Rome 108, Belgrade 53, Paris 6935). You shld appropriately support this request with FonOff.6

  1. Drafted by Greene and cleared with Williamson, Byington, and EE; also sent to Rome and Belgrade and repeated to London, Paris, and Trieste.
  2. This telegram reported Allen’s conversation with Mates during which Mates stated that the Yugoslav Government was ready to begin conversations whenever the Italian Government indicated it was ready. Mates also stressed that secrecy was important since disclosure would probably mean failure. (750G.00/10–1251)
  3. Telegram 371 stated that the Department of State was willing to urge the Italians to take the first step and make a secret approach to the Yugoslav Government if the Yugoslavs were willing to compromise on an ethnic settlement. (750G.00/10–851)
  4. The British and French Embassies were informed of these actions on October 16. (Memorandum of conversation, October 16, 750G.00/10–1651)
  5. Telegram 1795 informed the Department of State that the British strongly desired U.S. support when they approached the Italian Foreign Ministry in order to encourage the Italians to begin talks with the Yugoslavs on Trieste. (750G.00/10–1251)
  6. In telegram 1878 from London, October 17, the Embassy informed the Department of State that the Foreign Office reacted favorably to the actions outlined in this telegram. (750G.00/10–1751) A representative of the French Foreign Ministry, on the other hand, expressed reluctance to join in the tripartite démarche and the Department of State was so informed in telegram 2256 from Paris, October 17. (750G.00/10–1751)