740.5/2–1951: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State 1
4893. Sauvagnargues has showed us report of conversations which Guiringaud recently had with Blankenhorn and which are greatly disturbing Foreign Office because they reinforce its well-known fears that Adenauer may not really be interested in contractual agreements but wants declaration from us that full sovereignty of Federal Republic will be established, before Germans make any commitments re defense contribution. Sauvagnargues considers that Blankenhorn “put Adenauer’s cards on the table” and that conversation showed that Federal Republic does not think in terms of gradual transformation of its status but wants everything, and that right away. Paper based on the Guiringaud–Blankenhorn conversations and containing Foreign Office comments upon them being airpouched (Embdesp 2333, February 182).
Re contractual arrangements, Blankenhorn said to have indicated that these would cover “all” allied relations with Federal Republic, with no reference to subjects reserved for peace treaty. Implication was that German opinion would be lead to believe that Federal Republic has received supreme authority, and another implication according to Foreign Office is that after allies have promised full sovereignty, Germans would then in their own good time decide about defense contribution.
Re future working relationship with Germany, Blankenhorn is said to have implied that Adenauer expects to have allied ambassadors act individually and not through council of ambassadors or similar institution; but that on the other hand “new organism” would be created that would insure that allies discuss German subjects with Russians only after full debate and agreement with Germans. When Guiringaud objected, Blankenhorn withdrew by saying “consultation” of Federal Republic Government would suffice. From this exchange, Foreign Office professes to deduce that Adenauer expects “full equality” with us in later consultations concerning tripartite tactics re Germany.
We are unable to see in these conversations quite the implications that Sauvagnargues sees in them, but the document is now circulating in Foreign Office and will probably result in new suggestion from [Page 1464] French, somewhat along lines of our 4550, February 1,3 that we secure as soon as possible an official expression from Federal Republic as to what they propose with respect to the contractual arrangements, placing burden upon them to solve problems thus raised, and resulting in clear tripartite statement to Adenauer re sovereignty, to counteract what French consider dangerous drift in Federal Republic position. Meanwhile Foreign Office will appreciate Department’s informal comments.