462A.62B31/10–3051: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State 1 to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfurt2

secret   priority

402. Ref (a) Bonn’s 246, Oct. 18 rptd info Berlin 60, Paris 97, London 89, Fkft unnumbered, (b) Bonn’s 264, Oct 24. Rptd info Fkft 384, Berlin 64, Paris 103, London 94, Moscow 20. (c) Bonn’s 276, Oct 26. Rptd info Fkft 396, Berlin 67, Paris 108, London 99, Moscow 22. (d) Berlin’s 633, Oct 27, sent Fkft 734, rptd info Bonn 307, Paris 202, London 124, Moscow 138.3

Dept concerned over reftels, from which it appears West Gers during discussion with HICOMs had no intention taking strong measures against East, since they apparently intended stopping deliveries raw [Page 1881] materials only and not rolled products (not clear what “raw materials” includes but Dept assumes rolled products needed more urgently). Further appears as of Oct 27, no deliveries to Sov Zone had in fact been prevented.

Dept can see no grounds for FedRep’s apparent thinking West has yet to provide sufficient proof our willingness implement agreement, nor does it agree with Br attitude this problem shld be left to Gers for better or worse as though only Gers wld suffer consequences. Dept is not altogether clear what specific actions on part of East wld be considered by HICOG as satis compliance with Sept. 20 conditions. We doubt, in any event, we are going get more from East than they are forced give, and at present juncture they do not appear forced give much of consequence.

West Gers weak reaction to failure on part of East to carry out conditions agreed to at time sig IZT appears to us a repetition of May and June, when Western countermeasures to certificates of origin requirement were very slow forthcoming.

Complete and immediate cessation of goods movements prob wld provide sufficient ult pressure on East force satis compliance. This is apparently in line with your own thinking, and consequently, we hope you will continue make strong effort bring this cessation about soon as possible if situation does not improve satis. Furthermore, we suggest consideration of restrictions on Sov Zone barges short time thereafter, if first measures do not suffice.

We recognize this course action involves dangers for West and that this is not best time of year for West to invite new trade-transport conflict. We have no way knowing how long East may decide resist our countermeasures and we realize it will prove difficult hold united front during cold months. But alternative of giving in to East at this time appears to Dept involve greater and more serious dangers.

  1. Secretary Acheson was on route to Paris for meetings with Schuman and Morrison; for documentation on their meetings, see pp. 1312 ff.
  2. Repeated to Bonn, Berlin, Paris, London and Moscow. This telegram was drafted by Rogers and cleared by Laukhuff, Montenegro, Riley, and Hillenbrand.
  3. Telegram 246, not printed, but see footnote 2, supra. Telegrams 276 and 633, not printed.