462A. 62B31/9–2251: Telegram

The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Acting Secretary of State 1

secret   niact

188. Re your tel niact 1932 to Frankfort,2 regret signature of trade agmt took effect prior to receipt of this tel.

Course of action adopted was influenced by fol: It was impressed upon us that Adenauer, Heuss and Reuter personally attached greatest importance to securing prompt sig and on their behalf we strongly recommended sig unaccompanied by any statement either oral or written except a reminder of the ltr given to Sov Zone auths on 6 July [Page 1875] 1951 which provided for a suspension if obstacles were in future placed in way of West Berlin’s normal trade and traffic.

Basis of argument by Gers was.

Important for West, especially delivery of brown coal to West Berlin;
Sovs doubtful of Allies’ desire to sign trade agmt even if restrictions lifted;
Once agmt signed and flow of trade commences, Sovs wld be less willing to impose restrictions which wld cause suspension of trader. Fr, (particularly Berlin element) backed Ger position.

Altho US and UK were not overly impressed by Ger arguments, nevertheless they wished to avoid such a rigid position as to antagonize Ger auths, as it was becoming apparent that Sovs were aware of lack of unity on this issue between US and UK and Ger and Fr, and wld not be likely to yield as long as this divergence of view existed.

In US–UK view, it was more essential to reach agmt between Allies and Ger Fed Rep and Berlin auths on the conditions which wld warrant a suspension of the trade agmt, than it was to hold out for some oral or written statement by Orlopp which probably wld not clearly define these conditions. As practical matter, we place little trust in Orlopp’s ability to live up to any commitments if Sovs decree otherwise.

Re: para B–l ref tel, during discussions Acting HICOMs with Gers including Leopold who had actually been involved in the negots with Orlopp, Leopold specifically and repeatedly assured us that each point contained in proposed Adenauer ltr had been discussed with Orlopp previously and that Orlopp had in these discussions explicity given assurance of East Zone Govt. During discussion Orlopp understood to have been frequently in touch with Grotewohl. Furthermore, Acting HICOMs were given flat assurance by Gers including Leopold that in addition to prior agreement these conditions, Leopold wld again orally state them before signature. Our understanding is that this was done and that Orlopp did indicate acceptance.

Re: B–2 ref tel we believe Western position in event need to suspend agmt is as strong as cld be attained since the conditions have been repeatedly gone over even though orally. They have been passed on to Soviets and by medium of Ger newspapers have been generally made public knowledge. Furthermore as press release given out by Fed Rep Sept 20 at Bonn clearly indicated that agmt signed on understanding no further imposition restriction West Berlin normal trade and traffic and that its implementation wld depend upon compliance this understanding.

At mtg of Sept 17–18, Acting HICOMs spent several hours with Gers on precise joint written statement. Gers held to position impossible secure mutual written document at time of signing and expressed [Page 1876] conviction they cld not conclude negotiations on condition their statement be made in writing, in view particularly Sov loss of face which this wld involve.

We believe that final result, including difficult question covered after extremely difficult negots not only with Gers but Brit and Fr as well, para 1–C draft letter, our tel 2532, is best that cld be obtained. As for the Sovs and East Gers, we feel that if they wish to reimpose restrictions, they will do so regardless any promises or commitments, but at least they are warned of the consequences of such action.

Incidentally we have just learned from Leopold in Berlin that substantial reduction autobahn fees went into effect 1600 Sept 21; that discussions for monthly delivery during next three months, 170,000 tons brown coal briquettes to West Berlin from Sov Zone proceeding satis, and that new procedure for handling Warenbegleitscheine will be effective on Sept 24.

  1. Repeated to Frankfurt, Berlin, London, Paris, and Moscow.
  2. Supra.