740.5/12–1251: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State 1


3720. Subject: Eur Defense Force. Ger del EDF Conf has introduced proposal for creation “Eur community for scientific research”. [Page 978] Purpose of community would be to “pool” scientific research in member states in fol fields:

Nuclear physics.
Chemical and biological warfare.
Submarines and submersible craft of any type designed for mil purposes.
Any aircraft for mil purposes and
Guided missiles of any type. List of fields could be extended by Council.

Ger proposal would establish a Eur research commission independent of EDC Exec but subject to other EDC institutions. Commission would have task in cooperation with EDC. Schuman Plan high authority and other internatl institutions concerned, to stimulate research and establish cooperation among states as well as to expend funds for research as allocated in EDC budget.

Significantly Ger proposal would also give the commission power to make all research in enumerated fields within member states subject to license from commission or prior notification to commission. Commission would also have right forbid research in certain cases or require that certain types of research be undertaken only under its direct authority. Exercise of these mandatory powers would apparently require agreement of EDC Exec and commissioner and of “a rep of NATO”.

Translation of Ger proposal and report of Steering Committee discussion will be cabled soonest.2

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Bonn, London, Rome, Brussels, The Hague, and Luxembourg.
  2. The text of the German proposal was transmitted in telegram 3725, December 21, from Paris, not printed (740.5/12–2151).