740.5/12–1351: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State 1
3533. Attn Ridgway Knight. Subj is Eur Def Force. Re Deptel 3412, Dec. 8.2
1. Fol is a summary of Mins discussions at Strasbourg on EDC based on preliminary conversations with Alphand and conf Secretariat who returned to Paris late yesterday. Other heads of delegations returning [Page 964] Paris only today for steering comit meeting this afternoon. We hope to obtain a clearer picture after we have had a chance to canvass various delegates.
2. Discussion ranged over most of outstanding questions during all-day session which lasted until 1:30 Wednesday morning. Few definite decisions were taken, altho conf Secretariat tells us that points of view of Mins on several important questions were brought considerably closer together. Next meeting will open Dec 27 (earliest date on which all Mins cld be present); Mins then plan to continue meeting until questions requiring their decision have been cleared up. Present schedule calls for four days.
3. Despite sharp exchanges, notably between Adenauer and Van Zeeland on Belgians desire to maintain natl forces, atmosphere of this meeting appears to have been much better than at previous mtgs at Paris and Rome. Mins apparently showed real desire to solve issues and reach conclusion by end of year. Alphand was particularly impressed with conduct of Adenauer, which he described as “wise and calm”. Benelux Mins appeared somewhat more conciliatory than at past mtgs, altho they made few of necessary concessions on common financing and common procurement.
Conf Secretariat claims to be encouraged by results and particularly by general atmosphere of this mtg. They say Schuman shares their view. Schuman was very moved by announcement of remarkable vote of French Assembly on Schuman Plan late Tuesday and by ovation he recd from other Mins who realized full favorable implication of this vote. Blank, Lombardo, and Alphand are, however, discouraged because results did not include clear instructions on particular points at issue before EDC conf.
4. Alphand thought that Spaak resignation from Presidency of Council of Eur3 might be significant and useful move. He was also very pleased with Spaak’s article in Paris-Presse yesterday (Embtel 3527).4 He interpreted these actions as Spaak taking issue with attitude of Van Zeeland.
5. No definite conclusions were reached on common budget. Alphand claims there was no change in Van Zeeland’s insistence on natl armies financed by natl budgets and equipped by natl programs. Conf Secretariat, however, states Van Zeeland gave indications he wld abandon his objections to common budget in definitive period. Stikker continued to object to any modification of medium-term defense program already approved by Parliaments of member states. Dutch Finance Min also is apparently reluctant to agree to community control over admins of external aid. Adenauer, supported by Schuman, was very [Page 965] firm on present French-German position for common financing in initial period and common budget in permanent period. This question will be taken up again on Dec 27, possibly with participation of Finance Mins.
6. Main problem on composition of forces was Van Zeeland’s insistence on maintenance as natl forces of two regiments of Belgium regular army in addition to Gendarmerie and Royal Guard. Apparently Blank in Paris had said he might agree to this. Accordingly Van Zeeland was surprised and hard-pressed for explanation when Adenauer bluntly asked him why this was necessary. Van Zeeland made vague argument that Belg was in exception because of “two communities” in Belg state and that these bilingual regiments were symbolic of Flemish-Walloon unity. Adenauer refused categorically to accept this proposal and said he could not defend EDC his own Parliament if all other members except Germans were to find reasons to maintain natl forces.
7. At insistence of De Gasperi, Mins agreed that during transitional period Assembly shld study:
- (a)
- Means of constituting directly-elected Assembly for EDC,
- (b)
- Powers to be given such an Assembly and,
- (c)
- Any modifications necessary in other institutions to bring system in line. They also agreed that final organization of EDC shld have “federal or confederal structure” characterized by “bicameral assembly and executive powers.” Stikker was very irritated with De Gasperi for insisting on this commitment but finally gave in after both Van Zeeland and Bech had agreed.
8. Mins agreed that recruiting shld remain a natl function but shld be carried out under common rules set out in protocol annexed to treaty. Common rules wld include uniform length of service for recruits in each branch of service from all member states.
9. Ad referendum agreement was reached on French compromise formula on designation of officers. It provides that officers of German, French and Italian origin wld be designated by Commissioner but officers of Belg, Luxembourg and Dutch origin could maintain monarchical tradition by having respective sovereigns make appointments on binding recommendations of commissioner. Apparently both natl auths and commissioner have a right of veto. Corps commanders and higher generals wld be appointed by commissioner with unanimous concurrence of Council.
(Texts of papers approved by Mins on role of Assembly, recruiting, and designation of officers are being cabled separately.5)
10. In absence of instructions from Mins, we have pressed Alphand to have conf draft treaty on basis of broad French-German-Ital agreement [Page 966] permitting Benelux countries to make reservations or to submit counter-draft articles as they wish, draft treaty with reservations wld then be ready for decisions at Mins level on Dec 27. Alphand agreed and is seeking agreement of Blank and Lombardo before this afternoon’s steering comite session. It may be desirable for this approach to be pressed in Rome and in Bonn. Only major obstacle to broad agreement between French, Germans and Itals may be Ital position on French-German proposal for common financing in transitional period. However, Ital objection has been largely based on fact that adequate commitment did not exist for common Assembly to have power of taxation in permanent period. Ital delegation here has always supported French-German proposal even without this commitment. Alphand hopes that concession obtained by De Gasperi in para 7 above will enable Lombardo to obtain agreement from his govt to go ahead on transitional arrangements.
- This telegram was repeated for information to London, Bonn, Rome, Brussels, The Hague, and Luxembourg.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Paul-Henri Spaak resigned as President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe on December 10.↩
- The telegram under reference is not printed.↩
- Reference here is to telegram 3551, December 13, from Paris, not printed (740.5/12–1351).↩