740.5/12–1151: Telegram

The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Acting Secretary of State 1


Depto 697. At CD mtg yesterday Chairman2 cited Rome resolution on EDCNATO relationships and suggested Deps might send representation of one or more members to Paris to establish contact with conf (we contemplate group of three representing respectively non-European govts) Wilgress (non-EDC European Govt) Bryn (and EDC govt) Benelux or Ital rep (EDC dels have indicated strong preference for establishing group liaison rather than leaving it to two chairmen) also requested Deps particularly from EDC countries to ascertain their govt’s views on relationships. Suggested possibility joint mtg of EDC delegates and CD at some point.

Lindsay reported SG acting on Rome resolution has asked SHAPE to prepare a study of military relationships. Neth and UK showed some concern at initiative being taken from SG.

Sir Ernest Wood of DPB cited importance of linking production work of EDC and DPB.

Fr called attention to important aspects to be discussed by Mins at Strasbourg today (agenda as in Paris Embtel 33963) and noted difficulties of pursuing parallel negotiations simultaneously in both Paris and London under time pressure. Suggested Chairman Paris conf and chairman CD cld work out liaison arrangements.

Burin then made lengthy statement on (a) compatibility of obligations under NAT and EDC treaties and (b) mechanics of correlation between two communities. EDC treaty cld contain article declaring attack on one attack on all. On signature of EDC treaty two declarations cld be made; EDC members wld consider attack on any NAT member attack on EDC and NATO govts wld consider attack on any members of EDC an attack on all of NATO. He raised question of whether use of EDF shld be decided by unanimous or majority consent of ministerial council and expressed belief both methods impractical and best solution was to keep silent as in NAT Article V.

As to link, draft treaty contained article making commissioner responsible for liaison with all international organizations whose aims related to EDC. Relationship must not assume Ger membership in NATO, since that wld constitute recognition of Ger as sovereign state, remove basis for residual rights, provoke Russia and change basic character of NAT. Single representation of EDC council in NAC wld [Page 961] have minority status; therefore preferable maintain present national representation NAC and CD and arrange for EDC commissioner to deal with those bodies directly on matters of common concern. EDC wld be represented collectively in DPB and FEB. SG wld continue as at present but with EDC representative on M.C. officers of EDC countries on SHAPE staff wld become EDC officers: (Text of Fr statement being forwarded separately).

Belg Dep said if EDC is created it wld be NATO’s role to establish link and saw no difficulty if EDF were fairly simple military organization. On compatibility of obligations he saw no difficulty, noting obligation of Brussels pact states under both that pact and NAT.

Deps then agreed to consult govts and discuss tomorrow establishment of relations with EDC conf and begin substantive consideration of relationship.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Paris and Bonn.
  2. Ambassador Spofford.
  3. Not printed, but see footnote 3, p. 952. Regarding the EDC ministerial meeting under reference here, see telegram 3533, December 13, from Paris, p. 963.